‘No Man’s Sky’ Latest News & Update: Game To Arrive On Xbox One This June Followed By A Major Update

No Man's Sky, as most Xbox One owners probably know by now, is indeed coming to the Microsoft console sometime this summer. What not everyone knows, until very recently, is when exactly the title will be released. Thankfully, the riddle is finally solved via a release date leak on an Amazon site.
Leaked 'No Man's Sky' Xbox One Release Date
The leak, according to IGN, came from the Amazon Italy site. An online listing on the site reveals that No Man's Sky Xbox One carries a price tag of 50 euros.
But more importantly, the listing also revealed what even its developers did not yet announce. Thankfully, Xbox One gamers will not have to wait for long because Amazon Italy's listing says that the game will finally arrive on June 21, 2018.
The No Man's Sky Xbox One version was announced in March. For the ultimate gaming experience, the new version will be "enhanced for Xbox One X with support for HDR and 4K."
Meanwhile, a significant update of the game is also set for a summer released. Named NEXT, the update is free for everyone including Xbox One players. While no release date has been revealed, many expect it to drop by June 29 as it was already announced to arrived soon after the game becomes available to the console.
Nearly Infinite Universe
No Man's Sky is an action-adventure survival video game developed and published by Hello Games. Played from a first-person perspective, players engage in four basic activities which are exploration, survival, combat, and trading all taking place in an unimaginably vast universe.
As far as exploration is concerned, the game boasts the biggest "open-world" universe in the gaming industry. It has an almost infinite number of planets to explore. Well, there are 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 planets to be exact.
What that number means is that even if a gamer plays No Man's Sky for the rest of his life, he won't be able to visit even one percent of the total number of planets. If a gamer were to visit one planet for every second non-stop, it would take him around 585 billion years to visit all of them.