BLACKPINK Update: 'BLACKPINK House' Episode 8 Showed Jisoo, Lisa, Jennie, Rose's Non-Stop Eating Habit [VIDEO]

In the next episode of BLACPINK's Blackpink House, Jisoo, Lisa, Jennie, and Rosé revealed what kind of a monster-eater they are. In spite of their fit and sexy bodies, the four showed how big their appetites are.
In Blackpink House Episode 8, the girls are in Yokohama for a concert. However, it is not the gig they are showing, but what they do while they are not on stage. This, too, gives their fans a glimpse of their activities behind the camera.
The video started with Jisoo, Kisa, and Rosé as they went on an adventure to a convenience store to look for some food. The three almost bought everything from candies, chips, ramen, and a whole lot more. This scene will definitely surprise their fans as they actually load up with junk food.
Jennie, on the other hand, decided to stay inside BLACKPINK's hotel room to eat as she was very hungry. She also said that she had to unpack her things, but ended up sleeping instead, Soompi reported.
The next scene of Blackpink House Episode 8 showed Rosé enjoying the food they bought while watching the Thailand episode of their web series on YouTube. She then realized that she actually eats a lot as she was also munching on that particular sequence.
After the girls enjoyed their food, they showed the behind-the-scenes activities of their Yokohama concert. They were taking selfies, dancing, and preparing themselves to take the stage.
Jisoo then asked Jennie about her feelings on stepping on a big stage, in front of a huge crowd. The latter answered in a Korean-Japanese language, which Jisoo translated. "She's nervous, and her heart is thumping," she said. However, she was also hungry, thus she wanted to end the show quickly so they could eat.
So, when they returned to BLACKPINK's hotel room after the concert, they ate everything they've got from the convenience store. Lisa made fun of her drink as she took a pose by the window while taking her milk tea.
Jisoo then asked her to act like it was for a commercial. Lisa followed what her fellow bandmate said, so she sipped her drink and whispered, "Call me." The other BLACKPINK girls teased Lisa and said nobody from the ad agencies will call her.
So, they just enjoyed eating what the room service brought, steak, soup, and spaghetti.