'Dragon Ball Super' Spoilers: Android 17 And 18 Eliminate Universe 2's Strongest Fighters

Rest of the fighters from Universe 2 all come together to finish off an already exhausted Goku, but much to his relief, Android 17 and 18 manage to save him in the nick of time. In fact, the duo was so powerful in their counterattack they end up eliminating two strong fighters from Universe 2.
Android 17 and Android 18 managed to eliminate Rozie and Ribrianne, although the latter was suffering from an ankle injury. While Universe 7 lauded the Androids' victory, it looks like their home is not out of danger yet. It will be interesting to see if they will be able to guard their home against looming harm.
It's worth noting that Ribrianne didn't have bitter feeling toward Android 18. In fact, she even deemed Android 18's love stronger, noting that there were numerous forms of love in each universe, according to a report from Comicbook.
On Sunday, November 26, GovetaXV posted the preview of "Dragon Ball Super" Episode 118 to his Twitter account. Goku's voiceover can be heard warning everyone that Universes 2 and 6 have launched a full-blown attack against Universe 7.
Dragon Ball Super Episode 118 Preview
(30 Seconds) pic.twitter.com/wDoSjUa4GT— GovetaXV (@GovetaXV) November 26, 2017
While Universe 2's warriors Ribrianne and Rozie were defeated by Universe 7's Androids 17 and 18, both female Saiyan warriors from Universe 6 were eliminated by Goku. Kafla, the Potara fusion of Kale and Caulifla is a very strong fighter but much to her chagrin, the girl is overpowered with Goku's Ultra Instinct form. Rest of Universe 2's fighters wreak vengeance on the hero while he is still trapped in a black hole and is in glaring trouble. Although some optimistic "DBS" fans hope that he will be able to find a way to get out of it, Goku desperately needs help with his depleted stamina after using Ultra Instinct form to take on Kafla, Inquisitr reported. Saonel and Pirina are the two remaining fighters from Universe 6 after Kale and Caulifla's exit from the Tournament of Power. On Wednesday, November 22, Todd Blankenship shared the English translation for the upcoming episode of "Dragon Ball Super," noting that the two Namekian warriors will push Gohan and Piccolo in the corner. Taking their battles into consideration, it looks like Universe 6's warrior are dirty fighters.
Spoilers for DBS ep.118, airing December 3rd. Zarbuto is the guy with the mustache, by the way. https://t.co/VfhNB3UGV5 pic.twitter.com/Jeggl07Szl — Todd Blankenship (@Herms98) November 22, 2017
Fighting Universe 6's warriors will not be a walk in the park for Gohan and Piccolo as the preview suggests Universe 7's tag-team will be pushed into a corner. Moreover, the title of "DB Super" Episode 118 points towards the annihilation of a universe. But Blankenship says the Japanese text can be unclear sometimes and the title could alternatively mean that there will be one or more universes to be destroyed.