'One Piece' Chapter 882 Spoilers: Luffy Faces Katakuri With Awakened Power

"One Piece" chapter 882 reveals the abilities of Luffy's current nemesis, Charlotte Katakuri of the Big Mom Pirates. It also shows the fate of the Germa 66. The digital version of the manga chapter is now available online. Here are our recap and analysis, with speculation on Luffy's possible options for his current battle.
Yesterday, a Reddit user posted spoilers about "One Piece" chapter 882 that have turned out to be quite accurate. The thread focuses on Katakuri and his formidable reputation. Charlotte Brulee gloats about her brother being a superhuman whose back has never touched the ground.
And u thought katakuri was badass before#onepiece882 pic.twitter.com/OOkTEz188m
Advertisement— Rednite (@Rednite_trav) October 20, 2017
The dialog in "One Piece" chapter 882 confirms the Reddit spoilers. Brulee talks up her brother even as Katakuri tells her to stop. She laughs at the idea of a "small fry" like Luffy challenging Katakuri. Luffy tries to hit Brulee, but Katakuri blocks him. He gets enraged that Luffy attacked his sister.
Katakuri strikes at Luffy with his trident-headed spear, almost hitting the Straw Hat Pirate. Katakuri says that the spear is called "Mogura," the Japanese word for "mole," the animal. In Japan, the mole is sometime known as "moguramochi," according to Wiktionary. Mochi is the food associated with Katakuri and his powers.
The main action of "One Piece" chapter 882 commences as Katakuri reveals he is an Awakened Devil Fruit user who can transform the ground into mochi. He can even extend tendrils of mochi to reach out and grab Luffy. Katakuri can also predict that Luffy will use Gear Fourth Technique. The battle between Luffy and Katakuri is far from resolved, but Big Mom's Sweet Commander is going to be tough to beat. Many fans are predicting that Luffy will awaken a Devil Fruit ability to have a chance at defeating Katakuri.
Something tell me that Luffy will awaken his fruit!!