AAP Released Its First Ever Clinical Guidelines For Tattoos, Piercings And Body Modifications

Ever since the pediatricians have long considered both tattoos and piercing as a red flag. Physicians who came across an inked symbol or navel ring while examining adolescent or young adult patients have taught to probe for other dangerous behaviors that include drug use, weapons carrying, self-injury and risky sexual activity. They have found these on their patients.However, the AAP just announced some recommendations with regards to these type of body modifications.
The American Academy of Pediatrics issued on Monday, its first-ever clinical guidelines to members on tattooing, piercing, and scarification on adolescents and young adults. The guideline was published in the journal Pediatrics. This is the first ever that academy has to announce its recommendation on tattoos piercing and body modification in youth.
However, few young patients appear to appreciate all of the health risks that are stated. They typically underestimate the difficulty of having tattoos removed if the person comes to eventually regret it, according to LA Times.
As follows, according to the Clinical Report, the body modification is quickly becoming commonplace and the kids engage in it are more than likely normal. Thus, the healthy kids are expressing themselves in ways that need not raise concerns.
Also, according to the new report "Tattooing and piercing of various body parts no longer is a high-risk population phenomenon, as evidenced by growing numbers of adults and adolescents. It is not considered at risk people who have tattoos and multiple ear and body piercings."
Furthermore, as many as 38% of young people between the ages of 18 and 29 can be seen common to have tattoos. Also, among the private college students, naval piercing has been found to also be common. As for the piercing of the tongue, genitals or nipples, it is also acknowledged to be at the ration of 1 is to 10, these types of modifications were quite rare.
Meanwhile, in 2016, a Harris Poll has revealed that most adults who have gotten a tattoo, 86% have never shown signs of regretting it. Also, people who got inked typically say that they feel sexier, rebellious, strong, or attractive.