‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8 Spoiler: Dothraki Army to Join War

Only two weeks after the seventh season finale of "Game of Thrones", fans have been speculating theories and what not on its next season. The filming of the series begins next month while the production has been preparing for it. One particular spoiler is a photo of Dothraki huts in their filming site, which sparked more fan theories.
A hut at Titantic Studios, where they're filming Game of Thrones. From Los Siete Reinos: https://t.co/jiB6RkOKmR pic.twitter.com/t2ZpP9orlk
— Crown_For_A_King (@Crown_ForAKing) September 8, 2017
The photo was taken at the filming set of "Game of Thrones" at the Titanic Studios. The photo was shared by a Spanish site and was confirmed that it was taken recently and not just an old photo. The hawk-eyed fans spotted three Dothraki huts that had them thinking on what could be the possible scenarios now that the Dothraki army will be part of the battle in the next season.
Daenerys Targaryen also called the 'Mother of Dragons' and 'Khaleesi', which means the Queen of Dothraki when she was married off by her brother to the Dothraki warlord, Khal Drogo, journeyed to the Dragonstone in this season. She had meetings with the King of the North, Jon Snow, and they eventually pledged alliance in the battle against the white walkers. In the finale, while both characters were making love, Jon's brother, Bran in his vision, reveals that Jon is actually Aegon Targaryen, the heir to the Iron Throne.
Having seen the Dothraki Hut on the "Game of Thrones" set make fans anticipate of the war that will happen in the next season that made the Dothraki army come to Winterfell. The snow in the Kings Landing was a clear sign that the white walkers are coming for them. The Dothraki huts are not suitable for winter that makes the fans think that Jon has another headquarters for them, according to Elite Daily.
Aside from this spoiler, fans also speculate the expression of Tyrion Lannister in the season finale, when he saw Daenerys and Jon make love. Whether what he felt was guilt, worry, jealousy or betrayal, we have to wait for the next season. This Buzzfeed fan theory article explained his expression and the possibility of the Lannisters becoming allies with them for a price.
Surely, more spoilers will emerge before the airing of "Game of Thrones Season 8" that will premiere in 2019. The series is based on "The Song of Ice and Fire" book series by George R.R. Martin and the next season will be based on his unpublished works, "Winds of Winter" and "A Dream of Spring."