Jamie Dornan, Dakota Johnson Chemistry Causes Problems With Former Wife

Ever since Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson started working together for the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' franchise, there have been endless rumors suggesting that the two are secretly dating. Given that the filming for the movie franchise has already wrapped up, one would expect these rumors to stop. However, the dating speculations still continue to grow strong. Knowing that Jamie Dornan is married to Amelia Warner, these rumors are now starting to cause troubles in their marriage.
According to several reports that surface online from time-to-time, fans simply love the sizzling chemistry between Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson in the movie. The intensity showcased on-screen has led many to believe that they might have a thing off-screen. There are several occasions wherein the two are even seen together.
According to a report published by Blasting News, many fans have even claimed that the two are often spotted having a romantic dinner with each other. This has obviously made the wife of Jamie Dornan, Amelia Warner to become quite upset. The report even goes on to point out several occasions on which Dakota Johnson has been quite frank regarding her feelings for her co-star, Jamie Dornan.
The 'Fifty Shades of Grey' franchise required the two to shoot many intimate and nude scenes wherein Dakota Johnson felt quite uncomfortable at first. However, as time passed by she said that it was Jamie Dornan who made her feel extremely at ease. She has even called him her ideal dream partner on record. However, knowing that Jamie Dornan really loves his family, i.e. his wife and the daughter he has with his wife, there are very little chances of him calling it off with Amelia over his fling with Dakota Johnson. Nonetheless, the dating rumors continue to grow stronger than ever before.