'One Punch Man' Season 2 Updates: 'One Punch Man' To Release Audio Stories Before Season 2; Saitama Gets Honest Parody Trailer

Even though there has been no concrete announcement on when Madhouse Studios will release "One Punch Man" Season 2, fans should not be too disappointed as there will be no shortage of materials available in the following months to herald the arrival of the much awaited second season. "One Punch Man" also got the parody treatment from the hilarious team at Screen Junkies.
According to a report by Comic Book, "One Punch Man" will be releasing four new dramas featuring new stories and familiar voices from actors in the anime series. The first of the featured CDs will be released on September 27 and will feature a Saitama-centered story.
The second CD will be released on December 20 and will center around the character Genos. Volume 3 will be released on March 21, 2018, and feature Speed-o'-Sound Sonic while the final volume which has a release date of June 20 has yet to announce its featured character. The first volume will feature three "One Punch Man" audio dramas "Saitama, Tekoire Suru," "Bonus Chapter: 200 yen" and "Parallel School Drama: Junior High School Student Saitama: Episode 1."
Fans of the franchise will also get their fill of spoilers in a 10-minute cast interview that will be included on the CD. Two tracks featuring Saitama's Image Song as well as its instrumental version will round up the contents of the first volume of "One-Punch Man: Maji CD Drama & Song."
Meanwhile, fans of "One Punch Man" are getting a kick out of an Honest Trailer developed by Screen Junkies. The trailer good-naturedly points out the glaring loopholes in the anime series, starting from the rankings of the Hero Association which is based on popularity rather than skills.
The "One Punch Man" parody trailer also poked fun at Saitama's over the top fitness regimen and his short temper. Genos for his part gets his looks compared to Backstreet Boys' Nick Carter.