'Produce 101' Season 2 News Update: Lim Young Min Caught Cheating

Ever since "Produce 101" started, Lim Young Min faces different accusations of cheating and spoiling the outcome of the show. Not just that, the said trainee also experienced a sudden decrease of fans as reports told that he has a girlfriend. However, it seems like Young Min is still receiving a great amount of love from his viewers. What could be the next step of "Produce 101" Season 2 to Lim Young Min with regards to the reports being thrown to him?
According to All Kpop, Lim Young Min's former fans are the people behind the reports and accusations that he is cheating. Sources told that the fans who left the trainee behind confirmed that he cheated the same way as that of Kang Daniel, Kim Dong Bin and Lee Ki Won had been penalized for. As a matter of fact, Young Min's brother even told the fans that the trainee would want to sing "Never" and "Oh Little Gir" in the next performance. The said action was against the rules and viewers protest that Young Min should face the consequences of his inconsiderate actions.
Moreover, it was confirmed that Lim Young Min fans didn't give any hints on SBS regarding his action, which is why he was never caught. The said news was later admitted when a former fan decided to spread and report it online.
Also, reports that Lim Young Min is spoiling the results to his girlfriend are seemingly true as the outcome of the last performance was the same as that of the result given by the trainee. It was remembered that the said allegations were ignored at first as some believed that it could be his bashers' stepping stone to ruin the trainee's nice guy image. With that, viewers would want to see the action of the show once everything is confirmed true.
Meanwhile, Soompi reported that the remaining contestants of "Produce 101" Season 2 would be having their own concert. The said event would be held at the Olympic Hall in Seoul on July 1 and 2. The concert is expected to be jam-packed as fans would scream and support for their bets.