Suzy Bae Gets Tipsy & Dishes Out On Her First Kiss

Who knew Miss A's Suzy Bae could hold her liquor? Like most of us, Suzy loosens up and gets candid with the help of alcohol and a company of close friends. In the recent episode of "Off The Record", Suzy caught up with 3 close friends and had a girls' night out. While drinking, she ended up confessing to a variety of things and even dished out on her first kiss.
Suzy previously claimed her tolerance for alcohol was pretty low, saying she can only down 1.5 bottles of soju. However, she tells a different story now, boldly stating that she can finish 2 whole bottles of soju without even turning red. Suzy boasted, "My face won't turn red. It will look like I didn't drink a sip when I've actually drank the most." She may not become visibly drunk, but soon enough, her words will indicate otherwise. When Suzy admitted that she was feeling buzzed, her friends decided to play a modified game of truth or dare, where she has to answer their questions in all honesty or choose to take a shot. They first asked her when her last kiss was but Suzy couldn't answer the question and took a shot instead. However, her friends were determined and continued pressing her further for a drunken confession. They followed up with the question, "If you can't tell us about your last kiss, then tell us about your first kiss."
This time, Suzy was able to answer. According to her, "My first kiss...oh I had my first kiss filming a kiss scene on the set of 'Dream High'." But her friends refused to believe her answer and forced her to take another shot for lying. Afterwards, her friends prodded her about her ideal type. Suzy responded, saying, "In the past, I liked a person that's sexy. I really liked Ian Somerhalder back then. But more recently, I like someone like Choo Sung Hoon. He's strong and looks like he can fight at UFC. I like someone who would be able to protect me." Finally, when asked when her happiest moment was, Suzy claimed "Right now," but her friends argued that she was lying again, so Suzy followed it up by saying, "Not too long ago, I had a fan meeting. I kept crying in the middle of it. I've always wanted to hold a fan-meeting and the fans really like them too." What do you think of Suzy's confessions?