Nintendo Switch Updates: ‘Splatoon 2’ Complete Gear Leaked

Game developer Nintendo is bringing it's much-awaited "Splatoon 2" to its Nintendo Switch console platform. Ahead of its launch, it is quite natural for leaks and rumors regarding the game's future to surface the internet. However, an alleged source has revealed the new gear that is to come equipped in the game, "Splatoon 2."
"Splatoon 2" is one of the most anticipated games 2017. According to a report published by IBTimes, the tweet can be sourced in Japan. Moreover, the tweet along with revealing several details also accompanied a picture of what the gear will look. The picture contained modern-style hiking boots that were green and blue in color, which could be complemented by the short and pants of the same color lying beside it. Apart from that, it appears like the players will also have the option of selecting colors between the standard blue or green color as well. Gamers will also be given the option of choosing a coat of their liking.
For those who don't like coats, according to a report published by Nintendo Today, can opt for a multicolored zip-up hoodie that also blends in as acting like the part of the complete attire. Moreover, there is a complete hat collection as well. Gamers can either choose one between the bucket hat and a beanie.
According to another report published by Formula One, all the attire and wearables have the name "Splatoon 2" splashing all across it. These gears are believed to help one defeat the enemy during the Turf War as well. There is something known as the 'all-purpose' gear as well which could hold the potential of fighting through any condition. In other words, it would have no limitations as such.
For now, only small details regarding the "Splatoon 2" have been unveiled; however, as time passes we can expect more from the game developers.