Meet This New Weird Pokemon Game: Magikarp Jump

Are you bored with Pokemon Go already? Do you still want to experience Pokemon? Well, we have a weirdly fascinating Pokemon game for you: Magikarp Jump. This new Pokemon game is available for Android and iOS right now and can be downloaded for free.
This new weird Pokemon game is a Tamagotchi- style game in which the sole objective is to train your Magikarp to jump higher. While playing the game you are first required to fish for a Magikarp. Upon capturing one, you then have to feed it berries and send it for training. You train your Magikarp to jump higher than other Magikarps. Once you are happy with your progress you can compete against other Magikarps in a series of leagues that judges the winner based on jump height.
The game is not all Magikarp and includes other Pokemons like Pikachu as well. These Pokemons will make special appearances as support characters from time to time.
Just like Pokemon Go and Pokemon Duel, Magikarp jump is a 100% officially licensed Pokemon game. This is possible as the rights to the Pokemon franchise are not completely owned by Nintendo and have a lose handle over game licensing terms. Thanks to someone who cared about useless Magikarps a lot, we now have a dedicated game about them.
This new weird little game about jumping magikarps is here to stay, thanks to its official Pokemon license. You can download it directly from the AppStore or play store using the given links and enjoy the endless weird fun 'Magikarp jump' has to offer.