‘GTA 5 Online’ Receives A Major Update Plus ‘GTA 5 Online’ Gun Runner Updates

"GTA 5" was recently updated, bringing about a new-premium vehicle race to the gaming series. The premium vehicle is available in the Beach Party section of the game. However, gamers should note that they will require a Blazer Aqua quad bike in order to join the Beach Party section and avail the recently added vehicle. Moreover, there are several reports that indicate that PlayStation 4 and PC users will also be receiving the Gun Runner update the coming summer.
According to a report published by The Enterprise Daily, "GTA 5 Online" contains a race called the Beach Party. Players get the opportunity of using the Blazer Aqua quad bike. However, in order to make use of the quad-bike, players are required to join the competition. Adding to the already-good-news, players after joining the game can earn triple the RP in comparison to the other gamers who are not in the competition. There are numerous GTA rewards as well, that await the players who decide to join the competition.
Apart from that, there are several reports that indicate that "GTA 5 Online" has also been updated with a new trial game called Raton Canyon - which makes things perfect. In order to avail these above given opportunities, players are required to register themselves between dates: May 9th and May 16th. The five of the multi-part robberies during the online game helps players earn GTA and RP rewards, which greatly benefits the players in the game. On the other hand Blorge reported the new challages and heists that the game has received recently.
To recall, Rockstar Games recently launched an old-style GTA game along with a miniature racer game called Tiny Racers. In the latter, players are required to outrun other races or have their vehicles eliminated all together. The game developer is further rumoured to launch another "Gun Runner" update in the second half of June. For more "GTA 5 Online" updates, stay tuned.