'Mass Effect: Andromeda' Patch 1.05 Made The Game Unplayable For Some PC Users

The BioWare's "Mass Effect: Andromeda" game received a patch update recently to solve some game issues, including the characters' facial animation. However, instead of fixing the problems, the new patch causes more issues to some players.
According to Windows Report, the "Mass Effect: Andromeda" didn't live to its expectations and the new patch causes, even more, problems to players who install it, making the game unplayable on PC. Some players complain that the game won't launch on their PC, others say experiencing loading and black screen problems.
The EA already recognized the problem and give some alternatives to try to solve the post-update issues. They have three potential workarounds: Try to see if an update has not gone through by right clicking and selecting 'Update Game' in Origin, Playing the game in 'Offline' mode, and Deleting the Andromeda.exe files and then completely reinstalling "Mass Effect: Andromeda."
After these, many players still complaining saying these solutions don't actually work. Both BioWare and EA haven't offered deeper solutions, fortunately, there are now another ways to solve the issues. Users on the EA Answers site have been hacking through the problems and may have come up with some better solutions.
It's still unknown the number of percentage of the total players who install the "Mass Effect: Andromeda" latest patch and experienced the game launching problems. Honestly, this is very disappointing to the Mass Effect fans. BioWare and EA are still mum about it, but they probably acknowledged the issue and thinking a better solution.
Before the Patch, they also promised more improvements coming to the "Mass Effect: Andromeda" within these coming two months. It would be good if these upcoming updates will totally fix the game issues, for now, the only thing the fans can do is to hope for it.