'Overwatch' Unveils Orisa As The Game's Latest Combatant; To Stay On Quick Play For A Week

After Blizzard recently released an "Overwatch" patch that gave the hero Lucio both buffs and nerfs, the developer surprised fans anew as they revealed Orisa to be the latest addition to the game's ever-growing roster of heroes. Players will have to wait for a little while though before she can be playable in multiplayer mode as the game maker wants fans to test her out first.
In a statement obtained by Polygon, Blizzard's Scott Mercer pointed out that patch 1.9 where the hero Orisa was a part of, will not immediately deem the new character playable on "Overwatch's" Competitive Play. He further explained that they want to give gamers an ample time in getting the hang of the new hero before putting her to such game mode.
Fans need not wait longer for Orisa to be ported in the multiplayer skirmish as it was confirmed on "Overwatch" Twitter account that the new character will just stay on Quick Play for a week. In the meantime, players will just have to make a do with AI opponents on the said game mode.
As above-mentioned Orisa is a tank-class hero that will provide support to her teammates. Per the character's "Overwatch" overview, the hero will serve as a "central anchor" to her group. Furthermore, she has the ability to cast a protective barrier over her teammates in the heat of battle.
As for Orisa's offensive features, the hero can shoot long range targets, though she tends to slow down in doing so. Aside from offense, the character can shell out graviton charges that slow down enemies and at the same time pull them towards the blast, Videogamer reported.
Orisa also has the ability called Fortify where she can reduce the damage she can take in for a period of time and will be invulnerable to action-impairing effects. She also has a Supercharger which is a device that she deploys that will increase the damage done by her party within her line of sight. Watch a couple of videos about 'Overwatch's" new hero here: