Emily Ratajkowski Defends Melania Trump After Journalist Refers To The First Lady As A 'Hooker'

After a certain reporter called out First Lady Melania Trump and called her a "hooker," model Emily Ratajkowski came to her defense. This has then been considered a move on women power, as what they call it.
Model/actress Emily Ratajkowski took to her Twitter account to share her stand on slut shaming that is led by the information on any sexual history. She shared that during a private conversation he had with a journalist, the latter talked about the First Lady Melania Trump in disgust and called her a "hooker." For this, Ratajkowski suddenly came to her defense as a woman herself who is also being recognized for her sexual figures. She believes that it doesn't matter if Melania Trump has had nude photos or a busy sexual history in the past, no one should talk about a woman that way.
Ratajkowski has always been recognized as a sexual figure in the world of Hollywood and show business. However, she stands by the strong impression of not shaming women who may have had quite a sexual history in the past. She was raised by her parents in a way that she was taught never to apologize for sexuality and never made her feel embarrassed for it. Thus, even though she has been a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders and has never been on the side of the Trumps, any political aspects should not be reason enough to shame women and call them prostitutes, even in private conversations. For this, Melania Trump thanked Ratajkowski on twitter for such display of girl power.
Upon sharing this on social media, the journalist from New York Times Jacob Bernstein publicly apologized for what he called of Melania Trump. He is currently writing features with the New York Times and was even told by his editors that his actions were not keeping with the standards of the paper. Thus, he admitted his mistake for referring to unfounded rumors and used them as a basis for judging someone and apologizes for it profusely.