Soju Traditions: What You Need To Know Before Drinking Korea's Alcoholic Drink?

Soju is a known distilled beverage from Korea and although many people from different parts of the world are drinking it, that doesn;t mean that they know how to drink especially with Koreans. One of the soju traditions that some people do is shaking the bottle prior to drinking it, but what is the logic behind this?
The famous Korean alcoholic drink is often seen hit in the neck before drinking, however, this common practice still sounds absurd to many.
The modern soju bottle sports a metal cap, but in the previous times, it is enclosed with a cork, just like in wines. This is the reason why there is custom about shaking as it determines whether cheap corks were used. (via Koreaboo)
Once it has failed to use quality materials, the parts of the cork would crumble and fall in the drink. So they shake it to assure that the fallen parts would rise to the top. Meanwhile, some people hit the bottle's neck to get rid of the cork powder in the soju bottle.
Furthermore, shaking the soju bottle combines the alkaline water particles to the alcohol. This is an old practice and is not really applicable today, however, it has become a tradition that goes on. Originally, drinking soju would require someone to hit the bottle's base using the elbow, crack the bottle's cap open, and hit the neck of the bottle using fingers.
Another handy tip, especially for first-time drinkers, is to always drink the first shot together. Also, it's best to never pour your own shot, instead, let someone do it for you. The same thing goes to them by not letting them pour their own shot. As a sign of respect, be sure to pour drinks for older people.
What soju traditions would you like to share? Let us know your thoughts in the comment box below.