Ahmed Mohamed, The 14-Year-Old From Texas Who Got Arrested For His Clock Invention, Receives Full Scholarship From Qatar Foundation For The Prestigious Young Innovator's Program

14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed, who was apprehended by police last month after his teacher mistakenly took his homemade clock for a time bomb, is now looking forward to a new life in Qatar where he will continue his studies under a full scholarship at the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development.
Mohamed's family said in a statement, "This means, that we, as a family, will relocate to Qatar where Ahmed will receive a full scholarship for secondary and undergraduate education."
In its website, Qatar Foundation stated that Ahmed is "the latest recipient of a scholarship from the Young Innovators Program which supports young, exceptional Arabs by offering education opportunities in Qatar."
Mohamed had visited Qatar earlier in October and has toured Qatar Foundation's facilities, reports The Atlantic Oct. 21.
"I was really impressed with everything that Qatar Foundation has to offer and the campuses are really cool," said Mohamed. "I got to meet other kids who are also really interested in science and technology. I think I will learn a lot and also have lots of fun there."
The foundation is partnered with several Western universities such as Carnegie Mellon, Texas A&M and Northwestern, all of which have satellite campuses in Qatar.
It was also reported that schools across the U.S. had tried to offer scholarships to Mohamed, but it was Qatari that piqued the young boy and his family's interest.
Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, Ahmed's father, told The Dallas Morning News, "We are going to move to a place where my kids can study and learn and all of them being accepted by that country."
While Ahmed will study at the Doha Academy, his siblings will be enrolled in other schools in the Qatari capital.
Mohamed's arrest in September was frowned upon, with many alleging that he was treated unfairly due to his name and religious background.
U.S. President Barack Obama briefly met Mohamed during an astronomy night held at the White House on Monday night. He shook hands with Mohamed and gave the student a hug.
At the height of the controversy last month, Obama showed support for Mohammed through a tweet which read, "Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes America great."