Rainbow Emoji Can Lock Your iPhone, Here's How

Emojis are highly essential when it comes to virtual communication, and are increasingly being used and integrated into more applications or tools. But there's a fall-out associated to this as well, especially for iOS
The iOS is reportedly vulnerable to a certain emoji. Yes, one can block an iPhone with a single message containing these emojis, which makes these little stickers quite dangerous for one's iPhone.
This issue has already been talked about before: there is a bug in the latest version of the iPhone operating system that enables a remote lock to the receiving iOS device that has 10.1.1 or above, disabling app messages. However, this new version of the same problem blocks the whole phone, not just the messaging application.
According to The Guardian , the problem was originally discovered by the YouTuber EverythingApplePro, who recorded a video demonstrating the problem and showing how to resolve it by unlocking locked Apple devices
The sent message has three elements: the emoji of the flag, the emoji of the rainbow and a variable selector, which is what causes the problem. By uniting these elements, the iPhone makes an inadequate interpretation of what is being asked and ends up being blocked.
To be able to get rid of this problem, users will have to delete the iMessage conversation in which the message originally appears and hence causes the problem to persist. But this is not always possible since the locks do not always allow the device to operate.
Some users, at the moment especially in the US, have reported that their devices have become unusable because of these messages, which are being used as a joke among iMessage users. At the moment, Apple has not solved the problem, although keeping the phone updated to the latest version seems to help the iPhone not completely crash.