South Korean Diplomat Summoned Home For Sexual Offenses

Park Jeong-hak, a South Korean diplomat in Chile, was summoned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because of multiple sexual offenses.
The diplomat, who was in charge of promoting K-pop at the Korean Embassy in Chile, was under fire when a Chilean broadcaster aired, Sunday (local time), a video footage of him sexually abusing an actress disguised as a teenage girl. The whole incident was captured by a hidden camera and was shown in the TV program called "En Su Propia Trampa" (In Your Own Trap).
Prior to that, Park was accused of making improper physical contact with a 14-year-old Chilean girl in September while teaching Korean. After receiving a tip-off from the victim's parents, they planned a trap for the diplomat wherein an actress disguised as a teenage girl deliberately lures him.
The incident sparked public fury in the Latin American country affecting Koreans who are currently residing there. Korean residents in Chile are getting unfavorable attention because of the incident.
As it turned out, Park had been notorious for his sexual offenses even before the program was aired. The diplomat had also been accused of raping a 12-year-old girl in the past. That's aside from sexually harassing the Chilean wife of a Korean immigrant.
"I and the Korean Embassy truly apologize for the shock and scars caused by the diplomat's shameful behavior," the Korean Ambassador to Chile Yu Ji-eun said. "The Korean government will take due and sure action in accordance with laws and keenly cooperate with the Chilean government in dealing with the issue."
The Korean government promised to deal with the case with "no tolerance" and plans to push for disciplinary measures and criminal charges.
The diplomat was reported to have returned home early today, December 21. He will face questioning by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the accusations.