Korean Buyers Demand Inspection on Audi Gasoline Models for Possible Emissions Cheating

Korean buyers demand inspection on Audi gasoline models for possible emissions cheating. This is in relevance to the issue of finding emissions-cheating software on some of their gasoline models in the U.S. In relation with that, a Korean consumer group is requesting the environment ministry to investigate the matter.
As reported by The Wall Street Journal, California Air Resources Board (CARB) recently found out about a software installed on some of Audi's diesel and gasoline models. This software is said to cheat the carbon-dioxide emissions testing standards, making the cars look like they're emitting low levels of CO2 when in fact, they have higher results. This issue made Korean buyers to demand an inspection on Audi gasoline models just to be sure that the same scenario is not happening in the country.
As part of the Korean buyers' demand on inspection on Audi gasoline models, law firm Barun will submit a petition demanding for the environment ministry to look closely into the matter. They wanted an investigation carried out as soon as possible. And aside from an immediate investigation on the matter, the law firm is also requesting for an immediate halt on the ministry's ongoing re-approval process on Volkswagen and Audi diesel models. The said firm also handles a class action suit against Volkswagen, Audi's sister company.
It was only last year when the German automaker faced a similar issue leading to a global emission scandal. If proven to be guilty on still using the "defeat device" not only on their diesel models, as found out last 2015, but to some of their gasoline models as well, Korean consumers would rather see the German automaker exit the Korean market this time. For a clearer picture of the issue, the Korean buyers are demanding that the inspection on Audi gasoline models will be carried out immediately.