EXO Baekhyun Before And After Weight Loss Photos Trends Online

EXO member Baekhyun has gained attention for his before and after weight loss photos which trended online.
Recently, fans have noticed the tremendous change in EXO's Baekhyun appearance. He seems to have lost a lot of weight including his baby fat in his face and arms. His current physical appearance makes him look more mature and manly.
Byun Baekhyun in real life or also known as Baekhyun is one of the main vocalists and front line visuals of the South Korean group EXO. Baekhyun is known for his cute, cuddly, and funny appearance as an EXO member. However, fans have noticed great changes in the physical appearance of Baekhyun. Many said that he looks like a grown-up man these days and his jawline looks more highlighted and defined. Also, his face shape is already appearing as sharp v-shaped look.
Baekhyun's previous look before he undergoes weight loss is a cute, round face guy with chubby cheeks and baby fats all over his body. In the "before" photos of Baekhyun, he looks youthful and childish while his "after" photos, he looks slimmer and manlier.
Many fans expressed their thoughts and opinions through their comments online. Some fans prefer Baekhyun's "before" photos while some like the "after" photos of the idol. However, it seems like fans still accept whatever the appearance of Baekhyun now because at the end of the day, fans are there to support whatever their idols want in their lives.
There is still curiosity among fans whether the transformation of Baekhyun is due to his dieting or natural causes like puberty. K-Pop idols are known for their extreme diet habits in order to reduce some weight. In some variety shows, K-pop idols shared their diet secrets and routines to the viewers in order to achieve their desired body figure.
Meanwhile, netizens are a bit worried about Baekhyun's health and his continuous weight loss. Netizens hope that he will take care of his health and body in order to stay nourished.
Here are some before and after photos of EXO Baekhyun starting from EXO's debut until 2016.
(Photo : Instiz) Before Photos of Baekhyun