BIGBANG's T.O.P. Takes Part in Sotheby's Charity Auction

BIGBANG's rapper T.O.P. said on Monday that he feels honored to administer a charity auction by Sotheby's, one of the largest brokers of collectibles in the world.
In an article, Yonhap News Agency reported that during the news conference in Seoul for the promotion of the event, the 29-year old idol-actor stated, "I carefully chose each one of the items to be put on sale in this event together with the Sotheby's, keeping in close contact for more than one year. I feel really great and honored to be taking part in the event and for the confidence that Sotheby's has given to me even though I am just a young art collector."
On October 3, T.O.P. will present an art collection labeled "#TTTOP" in Hong Kong. Over 25 pieces from new Asian and famous Western artists will be put on sale, amounting to a total of US$11.5 million. Some of the artists presented are andy Warhol, Rudolf Stingel, George Condo, Sigmar Polke, Lee U-fan, Kim Whan-ki, and Paik Nam-june.
Works by Japanese, South Korean, and Chinese artists like Gokita Tomoo, He Xiangyu, Saito Makoto, and the singer's friends and modern artists Takashi Murakami and Nawa Kohei.
T.O.P. added, "I selected works that best suit my taste as a young collector. I also put importance on the freshness of ideas and the size of beauty behind them."
Sotheby's team up with the rapper marks the first time the New York-based British multinational company first collaboration with a young Asian personality.
Choi Seung Hyun, T.O.P.'s real name, is known for his interest and passion in collecting furniture and modern-day artwork. He recently worked as the curator of a contemporary art exhibition at Singapore Art Science Museum titled "The Eye Zone."
He talked about Yuki Terase, a specialist in Sotheby's Contemporary Asian Art department. The idol said, "I came to know Terase through a Japanese collector about a year and a half ago and heard that Sotheby's wanted to do a project with a young collector. I usually have much interest in fine art, but hesitated a lot, fearing that people would look at me with a judgmental eye."
Sotheby's plan to donate part of the profits from "#TTTOP" auction to the Asian Cultural Council. The Asian Cultural Council is a non-profit foundation that fosters economically struggling young art talent in Asia. The preview exhibition for the auction is set on September 21-22 in Seoul and September 30-October 3 in Hong Kong.