California Officially Ends In House Breeding of Orcas

California has decided to stop the breeding of captive killer whales like the creatures employed in SeaWorld's famous "Shamu" shows according to a policy signed on Tuesday by Democratic Governor Jerry Brown according to Reuters.
Brown's decision to enact the bill was greatly welcomed by international animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), which has long lobbied for many years a ban on the breeding of orcas in captivity. PETA has greatly opposed the SeaWorld shows.
"Future generations of orcas will not endure the deprivation, stress, and frustration of being trapped in a tiny concrete tank," PETA vice president Tracy Reiman said in a statement.
The decision comes months after the highly criticized entertainment company promised to stop breeding orcas, or killer whales, in captivity, amid a tsunami of criticism by animal rights groups and negative publicity generated by the documentary film "Blackfish."
SeaWorld pledged last year to replace its infamous Shamu killer whale shows in San Diego, California with modified presentations of the animals that focused on conservation.
SeaWorld Entertainment Inc, operates marine parks in San Diego, Orlando and San Antonio and has a total of 29 killer whales including six on loan to a park in Spain. Five of the Orcas were captured in the wild, but it has not caught orcas at sea for almost 40 years implying that majority of its current killer whales were all bred in house.
Reuters said that "the parks have been criticized for their treatment of the captive marine mammals with some activists seeking an end to public exhibition of killer whales altogether."
The criticism greatly intensified after three orcas died at SeaWorld San Antonio within a span of six months in 2015.
SeaWorld has also announced it will totally abolish plans for a $100 million construction project called "Blue World" which was supposed to enlarge its 7-million-gallon orca habitat at SeaWorld San Diego.
Reuters reported that after the California legislature passed the bill last month, the company said the measure tracked its March announcement that it would stop breeding orcas in California and end their participation in theatrical shows.
"These presentations will reflect the natural world and will focus on the research, education, care and respect that align with our mission to advance the well-being and conservation of these beautiful creatures," the company said.