‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7 Spoilers: Did Negan Kill Daryl? Fate Uncertain After Sneak Peek Video

The premiere of the next and seventh season of AMC's universally acclaimed television series adaptation of Rob Kirkman's "The Walking Dead" graphic novel is still months away, though the show's producers have decided to try and sate the show's ravenous fans with a preview of the season; though instead of tiding them over, the fans were simply sent into a frenzy due to some of the footage's elements.
After forcing its audiences through a roller coaster ride made up of washing machine engines, the sixth season of "The Walking Dead" finally ended in early April with what might be one of the cruelest and longest played April Fool's Day pranks ever. After trying to make sure that the stability of their newfound fragile settlement holds, the Ricktatorship came across a force they have yet to reckon with in the form of the saviors and their leader; Negan (Jeffery Dean Morgan).
The season's final episode ended with Negan introducing a member of Rick Grimes' (Andrew Lincoln) group to the business end of his barbed baseball bat, Lucille. While Negan's victim in the original comics was Glenn (Steven Yeun), the lengths the show has gone to deviate from its source material has placed that guess into question. The show's producers themselves has gone to great lengths to keep the identity of the victim hidden, now more so as the premiere of the next season closer.
A sneak peek of the season was recently released, with the footage being shared on YouTube. The video ran for barely a minute, showing Dwight (Austin Amelio) encountering some crippled zombies under a bridge. Though otherwise fairly uneventful, some objects present in the video has cause some to believe that fan favorite Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) have been killed-off, or in fact be the one that Negan killed.
There are two main objects of interest in the video, namely Daryl's motorcycle and vest. For the motorcycle. Because of these things, some believe Daryl has been killed with his prized possessions being given to Dwight; if the former did not simply escape without them.
For the motorcycle, it is not too much to believe that Daryl simply could not get or take the vehicle had he escaped from the Saviors. It is possible that they stripped him of the key when they captured him as a working vehicle is something of importance in the post-apocalyptic world.
For the vest however, the fact that Dwight is actually wearing it is something of note. Though it is possible that Daryl could have simply dropped it or, like the key, he was stripped of it upon being captured and left it behind when he escaped; the possibility that Negan killed him and had given it to Dwight is just as likely, in addition to being an even more grim possibility. The fact that Dwight seems to be wearing the vest as a trophy further nods to the possibility.
Whether true or no, the prospect of losing everyone's favorite cross-bow wielding hunter has certainly ruffled some feathers. Catch the truth of the matter when "The Walking Dead" season 7 premieres October 23.