Michael Bay Pushing Forward With 'Thundercats' Live-Action Movie As Eddie Redmayne Expresses Interest?

With the success that Michael Bay has brought to the franchise of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," fans can't help but wonder that the same thing can happen to the iconic franchise of "Thundercats" under his helm, especially after rumors have circulated that Eddie Redmayne has expressed his interest in the movie as well.
It was previously reported that Eddie Redmayne (who is known for portraying the astound Stephen Hawkings in the movie "The Theory of Everything") expressed his interest in the live-action movie of "Thundercats," aside from the prospect of portraying the character Bananaman.
"Bananaman is this great guy who eats a banana, and he becomes Bananaman," Redmayne said in the interview with Yahoo! News. "He's the one that I've always wanted to play, to the extent that Andrew Garfield - an old pal - was asked in an interview, 'If you could play any superhero other than Spider-Man, who would you play?' And he was thinking about it, and the interviewer was like, 'Bananaman?' And Andrew was like, 'No, Eddie's playing that.'"
"I'd like to play Snarf."
It was also speculated by fans that award-winning director Michael Bay (who is responsible for the acclaimed movie adaptions of the "Transformers" franchise) will bring the widely acclaimed 80's animated series "Thundercats" to the big screen as well, KpopStarz noted.
In line with rumors of Michael Bay's involvement and hopes of it ever happening, it was recently reported, however, that award-winning video game director Jerry O'Flaherty has already started discussing the possibility of directing the "Thundercats" live-action movie with Warner bros., without having any confirmation of it actually being announced by neither parties.
In an interview with O'Flaherty, he said that taking the helm of the film was a "natural thing" for him to take and that the last few years of his life has been about bringing the energy of filmmaking into the realm of video game experience, Variety noted.