Former OJ Simpson Rep Downplays Fottballer's Relationship With Kris Jenner But Claims She Was A 'Groupie'

The former rep of OJ Simpson, whose name has been making waves again with the release of a miniseries, said that details of his life have been too exaggerated, especially about his connection to Kris Jenner.
Details of the rumored Kris Jenner-OJ Simpson affair are beginning to re-emerge, with the FX television series "American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson".
However, former Simpson rep Mike Gilbert told Radar Online that despite Jenner's claims that O.J. was like a brother to her, their relationship was more than that but less than anyone might expect.
Radar Online quoted Gilbert as saying the show was "so fricking inaccurate!"
The alleged Kris Jenner-O.J. Simpson affair is fast becoming a rehashed issue, with the relationship between the "momager" and Nicole Brown Simpson being highlighted by the miniseries.
Gilbert added that Jenner was a groupie, but nothing more.
"She was a groupie. She only went when there was celebrity testimony. She went when Furman testified. She went when O.J. tried on the gloves. It was a happening and people wanted to be there."
Jenner's past was also uncovered in the days leading to the premiere of the series when old footage of a "Good Morning America" interview with Bill Ritter surfaced. In the clip, where she said Simpson called her to tell her "I didn't do it," Radar Online wrote.
The video was timely in the saga of the Kris Jenner-OJ Simpson affair.
Hollywood Life, on the other hand, was among the websites that ran with the story about the supposed relationship. The story will continue to unfold and is barely halfway, as FX will be running "American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson" for 10 episodes.
Meanwhile, Jenner was quoted in a Mirror article as saying that she had no idea that Nicole Brown was suffering during the ordeal that led to one of the biggest public trials in history.