‘God Of War 4’ Release Date Set In ‘A Year Or Two’; Next Installment To Feature Kratos In VR?

Video gamers were all blown away when the first installment of the highly acclaimed video game "God of War" was released way back then.
This time, fans can't wait for more news of "God of War 4" and are really delving into speculations where there might be a VR adaptation that will feature Kratos, according to sources.
It was reported that the release date for the next installment to the franchise, "God of War 4," might be set in "a year or two" when Cory Barlog, who is known for creating the iconic game, was interviewed by IGN regarding the development of the game, GameRant reported.
Although there have not been any official announcements from the game's developers, any rumors about a "God of War 4" release date would definitely keep fans tuned-in to the franchise's progress.
However, there are other rumors circulating around the web that the "God of War 4" may actually have an earlier release date sometime in the first half of 2016 as stated by Christian Today.
The source noted that according to a UK-based video game retailer, GearNuke, it has already listed the game as a placeholder on its website as a pre-order with a Dec. 31 release date.
In addition, Gamerant noted that it seems that the name of lead character, Kratos, and the game's property appeared in one of Sony's Project Morpheus VR panel last year where Shuhei Yoshida, President of Sony Computer Entertainment, talked about a first-person demo he experienced with Kratos as the playable character.
While fans are waiting for a concrete release date for "God of War 4," they can enjoy a remastered version of the game for the meantime.
In a reported interview with Barlog, the game creator explained that having a remastered version of the game would bring new players into the franchise, which would definitely serve the title well, KpopStarz claimed.