'Bleach' Chapter 659 Spoilers: Toshiro And Byakuya To Defeat Gerard? Rangiku To Reapper?

Spoilers for the upcoming chapter 659 of the "Bleach" manga series tease the possibility that Toshiro Hitsugaya and Byakuya will team up to defeat the antagonist, Gerard Valkyrie.
The speculations for the next "Bleach" chapter suggest that Toshiro and Byakuya will come together to use their enhanced Bankai powers to take on Gerard.
Manga Helpers reported that Byakuya will utilize his mastered Bankai power to take one-shot at Gerard and thus providing the window of opportunity to Toshiro to attack the villain.
Also, the spoilers for chapter 659 teased that Toshiro's past connection with the Soul King may also be revealed. It is rumored that Hitsugaya is actually related to Gerard and is the only one who could bring the antagonist down, Bleach-Arc BlogSpot reported.
Toshiro's linkage with the Soul King is speculated to be the reason as to why he was able to stop the fatal attack from Gerard, when the rest of the other Shikai attacks from the lead characters Byakuya, Renji and Visords failed.
Furthermore, the spoilers also suggest that only Toshiro can defeat the antagonist as the attacks from Byakuya, Renji and Visords benefit Valkyrie by increasing his size rather than damaging his body, Manga Edge reported.
Moving on, it is also rumored that the creator of the series, Tite Kubo, will reveal the reason behind showcasing the Visords, Hioyri and Hachigen in the Royal Realm hiding under masks in the upcoming chapter 59 of "Bleach."
Additionally, Mangakaido reported that Rangiku will make an entry in the upcoming manga chapter. Speculations also teased that Rangiku is the actual Soul King and will try to take everything from the main villain.
Furthermore, some spoilers also suggest that Urahara may finally appear in chapter 659 to save Yoruichi and defeat another antagonist of the series, Askin, Bleach Steam Blogspot reported.
It is also rumored that Urahara will even ask Askin to change sides from Yhwach.
The spoilers for upcoming chapter 659 of "Bleach" manga series also suggest that Sanji will make a return to the series and stand against the antagonist.