The Best Plant Buddies To Keep On Your Desk : A More Aesthetic & Greener Workplace

by Victoria Marian Belmis / Jan 20, 2022 01:54 PM EST
A Work Area Filled With Green Buddies

Humans nowadays spend a healthy (or an unhealthy) amount of time working, more specifically, on their desks due to the COVID pandemic. In a previous poll, Americans who work on a desk work an average of 43.8 hours every week.

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Due to this, people who work on desks should add more details to their workspace and one of the best things to add personality on your desks is a plant. But among the hundreds of plants one can own, which ones are the best?

Not only do plants add life to one's workspace, they also provide a greener option for aesthetics. Thus, after extensive research, here are the best plant buddies to add to your desk:

Peace Lily

This plant's white flowers may add to your desk's visuals, but it's the Peace Lily's air-purifying properties that makes it one of the best plant buddies. Owners should make sure the plant is placed in a well-lit area, not directly hit by sun, and should be watered weekly.

Snake Plant

A plant for those who like being low-maintenance, the Snake Plant is among the hardiest of its kind. Depending on the side, Snake Plants only need to be watered around once every two weeks. When copping a Snake Plant, one should make sure the soil is completely dry before watering to prevent root rot.

ZZ Plant

A novice in owning a plant? The ZZ Plant is for you as this little guy thrives in low-light, drought-like prone areas. This makes it low maintenance and can be watered only once every two weeks. Regardless, the ZZ Plant still has the ability to grow 28" tall.

Modern Bamboo

Being a huge symbol of luck, Bamboo is a must have for those who believe in its 'powers'. Bamboo is also low maintenance as it only needs moderate or indirect sunlight, and enough water when its soil feels dry. 

Aloe Vera

One of the few plants listed here to require its owner near a window sill, Aloe Vera plants are one of the best desk companions one can have if you have indirect sunlight near you. 

The Aloe Vera plant should be placed somewhere with indirect light and should be watered every two to three weeks. Furthermore, when its leaves mature, you can use the fel inside to heal burns, treat bruises and cure sores.

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