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Tag : Syria gas attack

Demonstrators Protest Over President Trump's Airstrikes In Syria

Apr 15, 2017 PM EDT - Guenee Salugsugan

Syria Crisis: US Official Doubts Syria’s Chemical Weapon Production Capability

US senior official believes that Russia is trying to cover up what happened in Syria’s recent chemical attack. Meantime, US Pres. Trump announces that the US is not going into Syria.

Demonstrators Protest Over President Trump's Airstrikes In Syria

Apr 10, 2017 AM EDT - Guenee Salugsugan

Syria Gas Attack Draws UN, Humanitarian Programs Pledges; US Congressman Says US Intervention May Make Situation Worse

Syria was hit with a likely gas attack in the northwestern Idlib province, which left 58 people dead, including 11 children. US claims that the Syrian military was responsible for the airstrikes.

Demonstrators Protest Over President Trump's Airstrikes In Syria

Apr 10, 2017 AM EDT - Guenee Salugsugan

Syria Gas Attack: Who Is To Blame?

Donors have pledged support for Syria’s critical humanitarian programs for 2017 until 2018 during a UN-supported conference in Brussels. Meantime, Rep. Massie doubts that Pres. Assad has something to do with the recent chemical weapon attack.

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