The Major Health Benefits Of Magnesium

Unlike the minerals calcium or iron, magnesium is an essential substance in the body that's not as generally understood. Yet, it's the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is essential for managing many of our metabolic processes such as energy production and supporting our muscles and nerves.
Some sources of magnesium are nuts, seeds, meat, fish, and green vegetables. A deficit in levels of magnesium is linked to health problems such as heart disease and Alzheimer's disease. Here are some of its major benefits:
Sleep improvement
Individuals who have low magnesium levels are more likely to have difficulties falling asleep or getting to sleep. One review of 3 studies among older adults noted that taking magnesium supplements daily of 320-720 mg for up to 8 weeks decreased the time it took for participants to fall asleep and increased their total sleep time compared with a placebo.
Reduced blood pressure
Blood pressure levels can be managed by taking magnesium as proven in several studies. For example, a review of 34 studies concluded that taking around 350 mg per day of magnesium across an average of 3 months significantly reduced systolic blood pressure by 2 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 1.78 mm Hg.
Improved mood
Low levels of magnesium might also be linked with depression based on some studies. One test involved a 6-week randomized controlled trial. Participants with depression that took 500 mg of magnesium daily had alleviated depressive and anxiety symptoms in 2 weeks. The study was not blinded however and initial knowledge of the mineral may have influenced the results. Further studies are needed to confirm its effectiveness for mood symptoms.
Reduced heart disease risk
Several studies also have linked low levels of magnesium to an increased risk of heart disease. This may be due to heart disease risk factors being tied to blood sugar and blood pressure. There is a recent review of 28 studies that showed magnesium supplements produced a favorable effect on some heart disease risk factors, especially for individuals who have type 2 diabetes. It lowered blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and fasting blood sugar.
If you're looking for a magnesium supplement, Umeken L-CAL is currently 25% off at KPTown and also contains calcium and vitamin D3 minerals. It's developed from fermented natural beets and essential minerals making it easy for body absorption.