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Magic Dust For Clear Smiles: The Various Uses Of Tooth Powder

by Victoria Marian Belmis / Apr 13, 2022 11:29 AM EDT
Tooth Powder

We all know about toothpase, the colorful paste or gel we see twice or thrice a day, coating the soft bristles of our toothbrush. It's the extra ingredient we use to activate our teeth-whitening wands. But there is another spell we can use for cleaning teeth, a sort of magic dust. 

Tooth powder has been around before toothpaste was invented and is used for the same purpose. The only difference is that it needs moisture to be spread over the surface of your teeth. To use it, simply wet your toothbrush and dip the bristles onto your tooth powder. After brushing for about two minutes, duly spit the tooth powder into your sink.

Toothpowder has not been studied as extensively as toothpaste. However, some studies have examined and revealed their effectiveness. Here are some of the various applications and research of using tooth powder:

Reducing Plaque

Dental plaque is the sticky film of bacteria that constantly develops on teeth. Plaque is a leading cause of several mouth problems such as bad breath, cavities, tooth discoloration, tooth decay, and gum disease.

Tooth powder can be equally or more effective at reducing plaque than toothpaste as shown in three studies (1, 2, 3). This may be attributed to the abrasive nature of tooth powders.

However, a study from 2018, compared traditional oral hygiene methods to toothpaste users. This research showed contrasting evidence and found that traditional methods, including tooth powder, were inferior in plaque control compared to toothpaste.

Whitening Effects

Another study has shown that tooth powder can also be efficient at removing extrinsic (surface) stains from your teeth. It noted that the whitening effects of the tooth powder were greater than that of the toothpaste. However, the toothpaste was just a general toothpaste, not a whitening toothpaste. More research is necessary to determine the total effectiveness of tooth powder at removing stains from your teeth.

Controlling Gingivitis

As plaque forms on the surface of teeth, it can lead to inflammation, pain, and infection in gums. This can bring about gingivitis (early gum disease). If gingivitis goes untreated, it can turn to periodontitis (advanced gum disease). Through reducing the plaque's build-up, both tooth powders and toothpastes can help reduce your chances of gingivitis. 

Present scientific evidence has shown how tooth powders can be effective at reducing plaque, and therefore gum disease (1, 2, 3). However, the evidence has some variations. More evidence is also required to determine whether tooth powder is an effective means of controlling gingivitis. 

In summary, Tooth powder may be an effective alternative to reduce plaque, control gum disease, and whiten teeth. However, more research would be necessary to best prove any claims for or against tooth powder.

KPTown's choice features Herbal Bright Organic tooth powder for sensitive teeth and treatment/prevention of gum inflammation. It is made of 100% natural medicine that anyone can use with confidence and is very effective in curing inflammation in the gums by removing harmful bacteria living in the mouth. 

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