'Vikings' Season 5 Episode 11 Spoilers: Lagertha Might Use An Unexpected Ally To Force Ivar The Boneless Out Of Kattegat

Anyone who has seen the conclusion of Vikings Season 5A would be concerned about the future of the Queen of Kattegat. After all, Lagertha suffered a devastating defeat against Ivar the Boneless, who is still determined to avenge the death of his mother Aslaug. But is it possible that the former Earl Ingstad will find a way to stop Ivar the Boneless from killing her in Vikings Season 5 Episode 11?
There have been speculations that Lagertha is thinking of a way to prevent Ragnar Lothbrok's crippled son from killing her when the show returns to History Channel. It is possible that the Queen of Kattegat will reconsider Harald Finehair's proposal at the beginning of the current season now that Astrid is dead?
Marrying his ally might dissuade Ivar the Boneless from murdering Lagertha, but others believe this isn't something that Katheryn Winnick's character would even consider trying. But is there another way to protect the Queen from fate later this year? Some fans speculate that a returning character will put Ivar in his place and keep him away from Lagertha in Vikings Season 5 Episode 11.
It's no secret that Rollo is on his way to Kattegat and could play a major role in Vikings Season 5B. Interestingly, Clive Standen has hinted at some tension between the Duke of Normandy and his blood-thirsty nephew Ivar the Boneless. “I think that kid needs to be taken down a peg or two and he hasn’t met his match yet and he just might have done with Uncle Rollo,” Standen told ET Canada earlier this year. The statement immediately had fans wondering whether Rollo is ready to save Lagertha from certain death in Vikings Season 5 Episode 11.
But is it possible that Ivar the Boneless might not even be the one to kill Lagertha in the History series? Fans have long theorized that Ragnar Lothbrok had originally lied about his connection to Queen Kwenthrith's son Magnus in order to save the boy from a gruesome fate. There is a possibility that Magnus will be back in Vikings Season 5 Episode 11 and could be the one to kill Lagertha in the end.
It is important to point out that the details have not been confirmed by History Channel, so it is best to take the details with a grain of salt. Vikings Season 5 Episode 11 is expected to air in late November.