Vaccination: Mother Refuse To Get Her Son Vaccinated Despite Court Order, Now She Is Going To Experience Jail Time

Vaccination plays a significant role in an infant especially new-born up to their growing years. Majority of the country are requiring parents to have their children undergo series of shots. Recently, a mother will experience jail time as she refuses to have her 9-year-old son be vaccinated.
The mother, Rebecca Bredow is sentenced for contempt of court, Wednesday. It is a year after an Oakland County judge ordered her to have her son vaccinated. She was given until Wednesday to have her son vaccinated. If she permits, her son will be given a total of eight vaccines.
The Detroit area mother did not push it. She said that it is against her religious beliefs. In the court hearing, Bredow said that "I'm a passionate mother who cares deeply about my children. Their health and their well-being. . . . If my child was forced to be vaccinated, I couldn't bring myself to do it.
As follows, the jail sentence it is just the latest of Bredow appearance in court. She also has an ongoing battle for custody against her ex-husband, James Horne. The father wanted their son to be vaccinated and currently shares a joint custody of their child.
Thus, the AP reported that the Judge, Karen McDonald told Bredow that "I understand you love your children. But what I don't think you understand is that your son has two parents. The dad gets a say," according to WGTV.
In line, Judge McDonald gave Horne a temporary custody of their son. She also ordered him to have their son to be vaccinated. Also, the attorney of Bredow has signed the November court order for vaccination. It means that Bredow had agreed to it.
The Judge told the mother "It's clear to me that you don't care about orders even if you agree to them, which you did."Horne's Attorney, Brenton Richardson mentioned that his client intends to have his son to be fully vaccinated. He said that the court was really left no other choice. She has to take this action based on the fact she has indicated that she was not going to follow the order.
Meanwhile, Bredow told the Washington Post, she is already expecting to be jailed. She said Saturday night that "I can't give in against my own religious belief. This is about choice. This is about having my choices as a mother to be able to make medical choices for my child."