'Dragon Ball Super' News, Updates: 'Tournament Of Power' To Last For Over A Year? First Universe To Bow Out Hinted?

"Dragon Ball Super" episode 97 provided fans with a pinch of the long-awaited "Tournament of Power." However, with the rate on how the recent episode transpired, fans were given the impression that the show's current story arc could be staying longer than anyone expected.
Last week's episode, dubbed "Survive! The Tournament Of Power Begins At Last!!" was without a doubt filled with insane attacks coming from the tourney's participants. Despite "Dragon Ball Super's" 20-minute run penchant, the said episode only covered a minute of the scheduled 48-minute multiversal skirmish that made fans arrive at an assumption that the ongoing arc will be a lengthy one, according to Comicbook.
Some fans of the show did a bit of Math onto it and came up to a conclusion that with the remaining 47 minutes of the "Tournament of Power" combined with filler episodes, flashbacks, and short breaks if there are any, this saga of "Dragon Ball Super" could go on for a year. If such fits in the bag, this might surpass the "Frieza Saga" from "Dragon Ball Z" which is longest in the mythos.
Meanwhile, now that the synopses for episodes 98 and 99 of "Dragon Ball Super" have been released, the publication stated that a substantial number of fans believe that Universe 9 will be the first casualty of the tournament. It can be seen in the upcoming episode's preview that both Son Goku and Bergamo are slugging it out while Vegeta clobbers the Groot-like combatant from the said universe. Moreover, it was also noticed that the team was barely seen in the show's intro.
*One universe is wiped out!
I forgot to add the lines*
Dragon Ball Super Episode 98 and 99 Schedule Preview pic.twitter.com/48XlrREFo3— GovetaXV (@GovetaXV) July 4, 2017
"Dragon Ball Super" episode 98 will be out this July 9 while episode 99 is slated to air on July 16. For those who missed episode 97, fans might want to check it on this link. Check out a video about the show here: