Jupiter Is Singing A Song

Who knew plantets had the ability to produce music? On Thursday, NASA released an audio clip of Jupiter's plasma sounds recorded by the Juno probe. The sound clip, which you can access here, is 2 minutes long. You can hear eerie and odd sounds which, after listening long enough, strangely sounds like any other familiar song.
The Juno probe passed by the giant planet in February, and NASA took this opportunity to record data, which resulted in the sound clip. However, this isn't exactly what you'll hear in case you happen to float by Jupiter. There's no song or tune in a literal sense, as the sound isn't within the average human's hearing range.
According to NASA, the recorded 'song' is just data that was measured from Jupiter's plasma density. They made the waves audible by slowing down the recording by a factor of 60, NASA said. However, mysterious beeps can be heard towards the end of the playback and NASA doesn't know what it is yet.
In a statement, NASA said, "The momentary, nearly pure tones follow a scale related to the electron density, and are likely associated with an interaction between the Juno spacecraft and the charged particles in Jupiter's ionosphere. The exact source of these discrete tones is currently being investigated."
This isn't the first time NASA has translated data into music. Juno has also helped produce a song when it gathered data as it passed through a space affected by Jupiter's magnetosphere. NASA even made a musical collaboration with Apple last year to celebrate the space mission to the large planet. Famous musicians such as Weezer, Trent Reznor, and many others joined the project and provided their music in honor of the Jupiter mission. This probably isn't the end of Jupiter's songs. As long as Juno is out there observing the largest planet, NASA will continue to provide new releases.