‘Lucifer’ Season 2, Episode 15 Live Stream, News, Where To Watch Online: Flaming Sword Is The Only Hope

The only hope for the family to return home safely is the flaming sword. But, the pressure on Lucifer is immense as he has to control his emotions to ignite it. Watch "Lucifer" Season 2, Episode 15 online via live stream, check out the link below.
Warning: This article contains spoilers from "Lucifer" Season 2 installments. Read if you wish to know more.
According to "Lucifer" Season 2, Episode 15 official spoilers, Lucifer must control his emotions in order to ignite the flaming sword. It is this sword that can ensure the family's safe return to home. Elsewhere, Chloe wants to air her emotions, but the death of a therapist and head of admissions compel the team to investigate the matter.
Executive producers Joe Henderson and Ildy Modrovich spoke with Showbiz Junkies about "Lucifer" Season 3. They are asked if Season 3 of the show will change now that they are moving four episodes from the current season.
"No, not so much. It's funny, the four episodes - they call them stand-alone episodes - but they're really not in that they move our characters quite deeper almost because we get to spend...like one episode focuses only really on Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt). We get to really understand what this poor demon who doesn't have a soul - does she really not have a soul? What does that mean to not have a soul? We spend a lot of time exploring that. And there's also the nuggets, little mythological nuggets that are kind of in each one where somebody just throws out a line and you go, 'Wait? What did she just say?'" Modrovich said. Watch "Lucifer" Season 2, Episode 15, here.
Stay tuned for more updates, news and spoilers for "Lucifer." "Lucifer" Season 2, Episode 15 is scheduled to air on Monday, May 8 at 9 p.m. ET on Fox.