Major Conflict With North Korea Will Be Imminent If U.S. Presence Continues In South Korea

Washington has been doing its best to resolve the problem that is North Korea for the past years. But with Donald Trump now in the office, the U.S. positioning on the North Korea situation is hardening. Trump warns that if "China doesn't solve North Korea, we will". Not only does he want the problem solved - plans of the National Security Council to do so are already in progress as we speak.
Trump invited the entire U.S. Senate to discuss the possible confrontation with North Korea. According to the president, there will be "major, major conflict" with the North and members of the senate are quick to monger war plans. Sen. Lindsey Graham was quoted saying that he would favor "preventive war" if that's what it would take.
Though Lindsey admitted that North Korea wouldn't just sit around and would likely retaliate, he said that any subsequent clash "would be bad for the Korean Peninsula. It would be bad for China. It would be bad for Japan, be bad for South Korea. It would be the end of North Korea." But that the "war would be over (there), wouldn't be here," and "would not hit America."
The White House seems confident that the U.S. can take out North Korea's nuclear infrastructures and weapons. Of course, the result of this would be a high death toll not only for those in the Korean peninsula but also those in the U.S. Forces that are tasked to back up South Korea in the event of a nuclear invasion. The only easy, viable way of removing the North Korean target on U.S. cities is by withdrawing U.S. troops from the Korean peninsula.
While The White House is focused on fear mongering, they fail to see the fact that even the U.S.'s formidable adversaries of the past like Russia and China have not taken action against them. Why? Because they are smart enough to know that the U.S. will react more violently, and attacking them would mean destroying their own society for good. After all, Mutual Assured Destruction exists to keep the peace among the nations. So why would North Korea make a move when their trusted allies haven't?
There's an assumption that North Korea's current leader Kim Jong Un is crazy and reckless. However, this doesn't exactly make him suicidal. Kim knows that provoking and making an attack on the U.S. will likely result in a catastrophic amount of deaths, maybe even including his. Kim does not want to attack the U.S. - he is stopping the U.S. from attacking him.
Yes, the U.S. military presence in South Korea will help deter and defend them from a North Korean attack but this is a matter of choice. At what cost will the U.S. go to war? For what are they prepared to risk nuclear annihilation? They are risking entanglement, which may cost a nuclear strike in neighboring U.S. bases scattered across all of Asia. Will they risk other countries being collateral damage? Are the dangers really vindicated? It is better for the U.S. to get out now while they can, rather than stick around and wait for a nuclear strike tomorrow.