'Vikings' Season 5 Spoilers: Will Floki Be Given His Own Spinoff Show?

Is History Channel considering giving Floki his very own spinoff show after the events of "Vikings" Season 4 robbed him of the three most important people in his life? Some fans believe that with the new trajectory of his character, it may not be long before the Viking parts ways with Ragnar's sons and sets off on a journey of is own.
In a Variety interview with "Vikings" series creator Michael Hirst, he said that the events of "Vikings" Season 4 finale after Ragnar's sons avenged their father's death against King Ecbert marks the beginning of the separate paths that the brothers will take to carve their own names in history. While Ragnar's sons worked together to attack the forces of King Ecbert, and secure the deeds for the lands to be used by the Vikings for farming as Ragnar envisioned, all hope of unity disappeared when Ivar killed Sigurd in a fit of rage.
Hirst said that "Vikings" Season 5 will see the brothers play for possession of the known world. He said that the ambition of Ragnar's sons to prove themselves a batter warrior and conqueror than their father will fuel the direction of the fifth season.
However, it will be far different when it comes to Ragnar's loyal friend Floki, who has gone to great lengths for the love of Ragnar. With the death of Ragnar, his wife Helga and his daughter, Floki are expected to devote his life to the gods.
"Floki is going to commit himself to the gods," Hirst said. "His previous life is over - he might as well be dead. The new season will find him submitting to the will of the gods."
Taking its cue from Hirst's statement, a report by Nerdist said that if there ever was a character who deserve to have his own spinoff, it was Floki, played by actor Gustaf Skarsgård, who has delivered one of the most complex and relatable characters on the show. The report further cited Helga's last words to her husband when she said: "The world is too small for you," which may be an indication that the show is too small to tell Floki's story.
And while Ragnar has been well and truly killed off last season, fans are clinging to Hirst's promise that while Ragnar was gone, his wisdom will live on, as an indication that Travis Fimmel who brought to life the iconic character, could be appearing in "Vikings" Season 5 in some shape or form, reported EW. If so, fans believe that it bears considering that a Floki and Ragnar spinoff could bring back their bromance to jumpstart another epic tale.