'Power Rangers' Creator Revealed He's Got Five More Sequels; Zeo Rangers Next? Film Slapped With 18+ Rating In Russia

Lionsgate's "Power Rangers" is doing pretty mighty at the weekend box office as of late now that the movie is expected to be somewhere between $30-40 million during its weekend run. With the said earnings prediction, fans of the super sentai team are musing if the film will have a sequel.
Aside from Disney's "Beauty and the Beast," "Power Rangers" is also one of the hot topics among moviegoers as most of them grew up watching the ever-evolving franchise. In a recent interview with Variety, its creator and producer Haim Saban said that if the film would become a commercial success, he revealed that he already devised a six-movie story arc in which the first one is currently shown in cinemas. He went on saying that if everything goes well over the weekend, they will meeting once again to talk about the film's sequel.
"Power Rangers" director Dean Israelite - who is also a fan of the series, said that the nostalgia button was pressed hard by this film. He added that folks who grew up watching it and now are parents tend to share the excitement that they felt back then to their kids.
There is a substantial number of hints within the film suggesting that the "Power Rangers" will be back for round 2. Clues have been given away early on in the film with its verdant villainess. The middle part of the film also hinted of an equally famed character in the lore including its final scene where Rita Repulsa Elizabeth Banks) may have dropped a bomb about the Rangers turning into the "Zeo Rangers."
Meanwhile, after revealing that "Power Rangers" will have an LGBTQ member with the Yellow Ranger (Becky G), The film distributor in Russia - WDSSPR gave a heads up to cinemas that the film was given an adult rating by the government due to such revelation, The Guardian has learned. Russian official Alexei Zhuravlev even criticized Russia's culture and ministry for being too lenient to the film. Watch a video about the mentioned movie restriction here: