Goldfish Provides Danger To Other Water Species

Having a goldfish as a pet in our home as such a very wonderful thing, but little yet we know that sending out unwanted fish, whether in lakes or rivers might turn it into a horrific pest. During a study, it shows that goldfish could be very harmful to other fishes if they join together.
Goldfish are known to be an invasive type of fish, where it may cause a severe devastation to any native fish and other surrounding ecosystem. Stephen Beatty along with some other researchers took a lot of their time studying the goldfish and the conclusion of their research were published in a journal with the title "Ecology of Fresh Water Fish."
In an interview with the Mashable, Beatty discussed the reasons why they conducted a research about the goldfish. Beatty said they come up with an idea to do a research about the goldfish due to the incident happened in Vasse River back in 2001, where several water species in an aquarium had increased faster than the usual. It happens that one of the species are goldfish.
Beatty said that they think that letting go of unwanted pets, especially aquarium pets might cause a lot of harm to other water species. Goldfish tends to increase their numbers since they start eating some foods under the water that is not suitable for them, and that caused them to grow fast, lay eggs and starts to increase, Beatty added.
In a report held by the Washington Post, though the goldfish looks so adoring, still it is too dangerous that it can grow to a huge size that anyone could imagine. Goldfish also eats other fish' eggs that may lead them to produce a disease and could spread in the water.
Goldfish is a very nice pet, just always keep in mind that you should take good care of it. If in case that you don't want to keep it anymore, you can give to any of your friend or throw it in a safe water without any water species.