South Korea Wants To Develop Own Hyperloop Project

The South Korean Railway Research Institute (KKRI) wants to develop something incredibly remarkable. Talk about a high-speed train running on vacuum tubes. This project is the same as the Hyperloop Project promoted by the famous entrepreneur and owner of the company Tesla known as Elon Musk in the United States. It's a very impressive initiative to take on, but it would also definitely require some time.
The idea is to partner with Hanyang University and other agencies to create this transport system with speeds of up to 1,000 kilometers "in the not too distant future," according to statements made today by the Korea Times newspaper of a spokesman for KRRI, entity Run by the South Korean government.
The University, KRRI and the rest of the participants will carry out a feasibility study of a line between Seoul and Busan (the two main cities of the country, about 400 kilometers away). This is the same as traveling from New York to Boston. The estimated time to travel between these two cities should be less than half an hour, theoretically speaking, according to Mirage.
Vacuum tubes
The technology of the "vacuum" tubes would allow to move at speeds close to the sound (around 1,200 kilometers per hour) in the absence of rails and wheels (and therefore friction) and air resistance, as the South China Morning Post states.
In 2013, tycoon and innovation guru Elon Musk (SpaceX and Tesla) delineated the idea, which he named "Hyperloop", and aims to develop it as an open source design to implement this system in the United States, a country that lacks high speed trains.
"Countries like the United States, Canada or China are competing to be the first to develop this futuristic technology and we are also going to try to get ahead of ourselves," said KRRI spokesman.