North Korea Urges Citizens to Help Flood Victims

Typhoon Lionrock devastated North Korea pushing the country to ask for donations from its citizens and the world.
In response to this, a 200-day loyalty campaign started to mobilize the country towards recovery. An "art agitation squad" was also formed which carries an an opera featuring the National Circus' members. The said squad will work to encourage the casualties and relief workers on the affected areas.
The government also mandates members of the population without income to donate to the victims of the typhoon.
The United Press International reported that there is no required amount for donations. However, middle school students are required to give 2 pounds of rice. On the other hand, students incapable of providing in-kind donations are asked to contribute 5,000 won which is equivalent to less than $1 dollar.
According to the United Nations report issued by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, tens of thousands of citizens were displaced by the typhoon flood. 133 dead and 395 mission people were confirmed by the government.
69 percent of 35,000 houses and public infrastructures were completely destroyed. The country also faces problems of food supply shortage due to deluged farmlands.
Sources consider the catastrophe as the worst typhoon to visit the country since 1945.
Fox News cited the statement of Patrick Fuller, spokesman of Asia Pacific International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent emphasizing the need of 140,000 individuals of food, water and shelter.
Mr. Fuller said "this is certainly worse than flooding we have seen in recent years and the picture is still unfolding." He added that 100,000 individuals were displaced and the challenge to provide short and long term shelter for the casualties remains difficult.
Onsong officials stressed the urgent need of building shelters as they expect winter snow next month. They added that the top priorities are the repair and reopening of roads to accommodate the entry of supplies and equipment necessary for construction of homes.
The most devastated areas include Musan, Yonsa and Onsong.