Lee Jung-hyun Elected as The New Ruling Party Chief in South Korea

Rep. Lee Jung-hyun, a three-term lawmaker, was elected as new chairman of the ruling Saenuri Party and marking history because it is the first time that a lawmaker from Jeolla provinces, a traditional stronghold for liberals, won and take the helm of the conservative party.
Lee, a 58-year old lawmaker, is closely affiliated with President Park Geun-hye , garnered 44,421 votes, beating his opponent Joo Ho-young, who is an anti-Park lawmaker garnered 31,946 votes at the national convention that also picked five members of the decision-making Supreme Council. However, two other candidates, Reps. Lee Ju-young and Han Sun-kyo garnered 21,614 and 10,757, respectively.
70 percent of the election result contains the combined ballots by the members of the party and the account of the delegates, while 30 percent compromised the public opinion polls.
According to some observers, the resounding victory of Lee is expected to support the influence of the "Pro-Park" faction within the party. Hence, the party's new helmsman stressed that there would be no factions under his leadership. "I declare that from this moment no pro-Park or non-Park factions shall exist. I will reform the party structure and bring back public confidence and pave the way to victory in the upcoming presidential election," Lee said during an acceptance speech.
New members of the Supreme Council were also picked at the national convention namely, Reps. Cho Won-jin, Lee Jang-woo, Kang Seok-ho and Choi Yeon-hye. For the youth party member, Yoo Chang-su was elected.
This turn of event was expected to smooth out the relationship of the party with the presidential office which had subjected to friction in the past. The presidential office Cheong Wa Dae did not issue any statement about the victory of Lee as the party chief.
The new party chief will have a full authority in appointing party officials and orchestrating general party affairs. Lee will be given bigger influence and power in leading the party than his predecessors.
Furthermore, some presidential officials expressed their hopes that the victory of Lee will strengthen the bond among party members and have a closer relationship and cooperation between the party and Cheong Wa Dae.