Small Fish, Enormous Benefits: 4 Evidence-Based Advantages Of Taking Krill Oil

by Victoria Marian Belmis / May 14, 2022 04:48 PM EDT
Krill Oil Softgels

Krill, a type of small crustacean, is a staple snack of whales, penguins, and other sea creatures. Their name comes from the Norwegian word krill, meaning "small fry of fish".

The crustaceans are good sources of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and (EPA) eicosapentaenoic acid, two types of omega-3 fats found only in marine sources such as fish oil. Krill oil, versus fish oil, is particularly gaining traction as a strong and potentially superior alternative.

Check out four of its evidence-backed advantages: 

Fights Inflammation

A pink-orange pigment in Krill oil called astaxanthin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Several studies on Krill oil have weighed in specifically on how the effects take place. A test-tube study found that it reduced the production of inflammation-causing molecules when sample harmful bacteria is introduced to human intestinal cells.

In another study of 25 people with slightly raised blood fat levels, it was noted that taking 1,000-mg supplements of krill oil daily improved a marker of inflammation much more effectively than a 2,000-mg daily supplement of purified omega-3s.

Reduce Arthritis and Joint Pain

Due to its anti-inflammatory capacity, Krill oil may also improve arthritis symptoms and joint pain as they are often caused by inflammation. A particular study that found krill oil significantly reduced a marker of inflammation likewise discovered that krill oil reduced stiffness, functional impairment, as well as pain in patients who have rheumatoid or osteoarthritis.

Correspondingly, a well-designed study with 50 adults who had mild knee pain found that taking krill oil for 30 days significantly reduced participants' pain while they were asleep or standing. It was also noted to have increased their range of motion.

Healthy Fats Source

While both krill oil and fish oil contain omega-3 fats, some evidence suggests that the fats found in krill oil may be easier for the body to use than those from fish oil. Additional studies noted that krill oil was more effective than fish oil at raising omega-3 levels, and hypothesized that it may be due to their distinct forms of omega-3 fats.

On the other hand, one study carefully matched the amounts of EPA and DHA in both oils and discovered that they were equally effective at raising levels of omega-3s in the blood. Further research is necessary to truly determine if krill oil is a more effective source of omega-3 fats than fish oil.

Improve Blood Lipids and Heart Health

Omega-3 fats are considered good for the heart, especially the ones present in Krill oil. A handful of related research has shown that fish oil may improve blood lipid levels, with krill oil just as effective. A specific study compared the effects of krill oil and purified omega-3s on cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

It was noted that only krill oil raised "good" high-density-lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Additionally, it was more effective at decreasing a marker of inflammation, even though the dosage was much lower while the pure omega-3s were more effective at lowering triglycerides instead.

Summarized Benefits And Products

Krill oil is becoming just as recognized and effective in providing the benefits known in fish oil. Its unique advantages might spring from its potency in a smaller dosage, antioxidants, sustainable sourcing, and fewer side effects. If you don't usually eat seafood, or consume the recommended weekly diet, supplements with Krill Oil or that contain EPA and DHA are encouraged.

KPTown offers several brands of Krill Oils to choose from: Captain Krill Oil, Krill Oil, and Advanced Omega Krill 1000. They are all at discounted prices and help lower cholesterol while relieving abdominal obesity.

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