Drama Comeback Disaster, Jo Byeong Kyu’s ‘History Of A Loser’ Finds Itself In Controversy

by Victoria Marian Belmis / May 11, 2022 10:15 AM EDT
Jo Byeong Kyu

Is Jo Byeong Kyu's return to the small screen not as graceful as fans expected?

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The K-Drama "History Of A Loser" has gone on to find itself mired in controversy as just recently, a post on an online community entitled "Are Drama Production Crews Supposed To Be Like This" blew up.

"History Of A Loser" is based on a popular webtoon of the same name. The K-Drama is about a group of twenty-year-olds who can not catch a break ans is also starring Jo Byeong Kyu and Song Ha Yoon.



In the online post, a netizen revealed a vehicle that supposedly belonged to the K-Drama's production crew was blocking the entrance to their home. Notably, the poster lamented the "History Of A Loser" production crew's disrespect.

"I opened the door to leave the house, and I saw this. It seems it belongs to the drama's production crew and had a sign saying 'Please excuse me.' The sign doesn't excuse you from doing whatever you want. When I told a crew member that this spot is reserved for firetrucks and to move their truck, the crew member apologized and moved the truck," the netizen shared.

Not long after moving the vehicle, the netizen explained that the truck made its way back later in the evening.

"The truck was gone around eight in the evening, and then around nine, another SUV parked there. When I told them to leave again, I was asked if they could park for five minutes, which I obliged. However, even after time passed, they were still there, so I yelled at them and asked them to leave," the netizen added.

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As of writing this article, the K-Drama's production crew posted a statement revealing that they are trying to verify the allegations and are currently investigating the situation.

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