Correcting Racist Algorithms for Technology's Future such as Aritifical Intelligence

by Switchy / Apr 17, 2017 01:33 PM EDT
Correcting Racist Algorithms for Technology's Future such as Aritifical Intelligence

Devices, the internet, smartphones, computers, and almost all devices run on artificial intelligence and algorithms. These make these devices efficient to use daily in humans' lives. Making things easier as well as searching for information is faster because of algorithms. However, there is still that slight racist division that people can see on the internet. These algorithms influence a person's decision and the growing concern is the data sets that show during a search.

Searching for one word on the internet can result in thousands and millions of pictures related to it. However, most results show white people and their characteristics rather than showing a wide variety of people related to the keyword.

Top images and results are mostly white

Google search engines are mostly used around the world because it is efficient. However, one person searched the image of "hands" and it mostly shows white. Google says that the results are "a reflection of content from around the web, including the frequency with which types of images appear and the way they're described online," according to BBC.

It is great that some part of society is against racial slurs and all that. However, some people are still racist and this needs to be stopped. Correcting by how these algorithms work would be one greater step towards a greater future and coexistence.

Standards everywhere

One standard is a beauty. Beauty is perceived as light-skinned people with blonde hair, properly shaped face without any blemishes and more descriptions that seem pleasing to the eyes. Numerous technologies have facial-recognition systems installed in them but some have a "slight" defect. One report from Guardian mentioned a beauty contest that was judged by an artificial intelligence. However, it did not seem to favor on dark-skinned women, which is quite biased.

The beauty contest had 44 winners, the same source mentioned, with nearly all white, a group of Asians, and 1 dark-skinned woman. Now, people are open to development and this is one hole that needs to be fixed right away.

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