'SpiderMan: Homecoming 2' End Of The Line For Spidey Under The Marvel Cinematic Universe

by Choi Ahn Jie / Mar 31, 2017 06:06 AM EDT

It looks like "Spiderman: Homecoming 2" featuring Tom Holland will be the final movie in the Spider-man franchise under the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The co-production between Sony and Marvel could end after the second movie.

According to Sony Pictures chief Amy Pascal, who was in charge at Sony when the two studios brokered the deal to work together on the Spider-Man movies, there is a strong possibility that "Spider-man: Homecoming" will not be a trilogy unlike its other counterparts at Marvel. Pascal said that they may have come to the end of the line in telling Spidey's stories, Cosmic Book News.

She credited the decision of the studios with the addition of Disney to work together to produce the Spider-man movies together so as not to saturate the viewing public with the same story over and over again. She added that it was an amazing experience to work together in making the film.

"There are only so many stories that you know you can tell again and again and again about Spidey, and this is something that we would never be able to do in any other way," she said. "So, it was a very selfless thing that was very smart on the part of all the companies."

It was unclear, however if this means that Tom Holland's version of Spider-man will not figure in future installments of Marvel franchises like Avengers Infinity Wars and individual movies in the MCU. It can be recalled that Spider-man debuted in the MCU franchise via Captain America: Civil War when Tony Stark drafted him into the team after seeing his potential. It was earlier reported that Robert Downey Jr. may have a role in the first the Spider-man: Homecoming series, Collider reported.

It was earlier reported that "Spider-man: Homecoming" will follow the route of the Harry Potter franchise wherein the characters grow along with the franchise. "Spider-man: Homecoming," tells the story of Peter Parker's early days in discovering his powers. 

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