PS Plus February Free Games Better Than Xbox Live? Players Satisfied With This Month’s Lineup?

by Excel Medina / Jan 28, 2016 09:28 PM EST
Sony PS4

Sony finally unveiled PS Plus free games for February. This month there are three games for PS Vita and two for PS4 and PS3.

Unlike Xbox Live free games, players will be offered with various types of titles next month. The list starts with Arrowhead Game Studios' "Helldivers," which is a cross buy platform for the PS Vita, PS4 and PS3.

In addition to PS4 games, "Nom Nom Galaxy" will be free throughout the month of Febraury.

While PS3 owners will get a hold of Codemasters' "GRID Autosport" and the one-on-one fighter from Guilty Gear studio Arc System Works "Persona 4 Arena Ultimax," according to iDital Times .

Aside from "Helldivers," PS Vita free games include puzzle platformer "Lemmings Touch"and "Nova-111."

According to players' comments, February's PS Plus free games are by far one of the best lineup and they're looking forward to "Helldivers" and "Nova-111."

"I like the line-up. Lots of games that I have been wanting to play for a while," Darth NODlike commented on Sony's blogpost.

"Agreed to all these points :D. Happy to see Ultimax in here even if I own it already. Also now I can finally try Helldivers,Nova-111 and Nom Nom," player with username Kinokee added.

The said PS Plus free games will roll out on the first Tuesday of February exclusive to the program's members.

Meanwhile, PS Plus's counterpart, Xbox Live, offers four titles that feature action adventure gameplay. "Hand of Fate" goes free for the whole month of February along with "Styx: Master of Shadows" which will be available on Feb. 16 until March 15 for the Xbox One.

As for the Xbox 360 players with Xbox Live gold subscription, "Sacred Citadel" will be free on Feb. 1 until 15 and will be replaced by "Gears of War 2" for the second half of February, Coming Soon added.

Stay tuned for more PS Plus and Xbox Live updates.

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